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Africa, Botswana, Chobe National Park, Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) drinking from water hole in Savuti Marsh within Okavango Delta


Visit Botswana with Travelmarvel

Embark on a memorable adventure with Travelmarvel to Botswana. Explore Chobe National Park, home to one of the largest concentrations of elephants in Africa. Discover life along the riverfront, the key source of water in the area. Look out for local wildlife and captivating sunsets over the river.

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Our Botswana Trips

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More Choice, More Value, More Relaxed

More Choice

At Travelmarvel, we believe in offering more choice to our travellers. Our tours including Botswana feature carefully curated Insider Experiences that take you to the heart of this captivating country. Whether it’s a safari in Chobe National Park or a sunset game viewing cruise on the river, our tours provide opportunities for deeper connections with Botswana’s wildlife and people.

A lion lying down in the grass

More Value

Our tours including Botswana offer incredible value. With all transfers, guided excursions, sightseeing tours, and many meals included, you can relax and enjoy the beauty of Botswana without worrying about the details.

Aerial view of Okavango Delta, Botswana

More Relaxed

Travelmarvel ensures that you feel more relaxed throughout your Botswana adventure. Our expert Tour Directors and local English-speaking guides are there to provide insider knowledge and support, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the experience. Enjoy the perfect blend of exploration and relaxation, knowing that every aspect of your tour has been meticulously crafted for your enjoyment.

Botswana Tours - Frequently Asked Questions

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